Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The sweet minds of children

Kids say the funniest things sometimes and it's always interesting to listen to what they think about some things. Here is a conversation Hudson had with me and Richard the other day (paraphrased of course)

Hudson: Mommy, we need to have a baby sister so I'll have someone to marry.
Mommy: (Shocked) Hudson you can't marry your sister. You have to marry someone that's not in your family.
Hudson: But how will I meet her. She has to come to our house cause I can't drive.
Mommy: But, you will drive when you're older.
Hudson: No, I can't cause I don't know the way.

How funny is that?

We've had this discussion before about his not driving because he doesn't know the way. He asked me a couple of days later if he had a driver's license. I told him no and he asked if he could have his daddy's. I told him, no that he would have to get his own and he wanted to go to the store right then and buy one. So...I had to explain how that worked.

Hudson also has a breathing problem. Well, let's just say that he breathes really deep, and snores when he sleeps. When he was a baby and would fall asleep in church, people would turn around and think it was a grown up that had fallen asleep and was snoring. I was so used to his deep breathing while asleep, when I kept other kids and they didn't breathe like that, I couldn't tell without looking if they were asleep or not. Richard swears there's something wrong with him and he needs something removed but the dr says he's fine. The other morning, he got in our bed about 5 am and I could not go back to sleep with his snoring so I went and slept in his bed. Anyway, a lot of the time if we are playing a game and he's breathing real deep, we'll joke and say, Hudson, can I get one of those? (meaning a breath cause he's using all the air up) He also snorts at times. Especially when bowling on the Wii. He was in my bathroom and I thought he was getting a band aid so I asked him what he was doing and he said, getting one of those things for my nose (a breathe right strip) so I won't snort when I bowl. It was hilarious. Bless his heart.


Ashley said...

That's hilarious! So cute how can't drive because he doesn't know the way. You better warn potential wives in the future of his snoring habits. I can't stand it when Collin keeps me awake breathing deeply.

heidi said...

that is so funny! tell hudson not to worry because lots of adults don't know the way either!
and, i snore when i am pregnant. thomas calls me darth mama.

Caroline said...

I am dying laughing here! SO FUNNY!

Meghan said...

Oh, Hudson is so cute! He and Anna should have a talk about why they can't marry their parents or siblings. I think that we discuss this on a monthly basis.
That is too bad about the snoring. I hope that he out grows it.

Richard said...

I lived 50 yards from a train track for 6 months and I can honestly say that the snoring is worse!

Jennifer said...

So cute! I remember thinking things like that when I was a kid. Wouldnt it be great to be able to remember all the funny things you thought when you were a kid!