Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I am so pathetic at updating my blog! Here's a quick post with no pictures just because it's already been a month since my last post! Chandler is playing baseball with the middle school this year. His first game is Friday night and we are very excited about that. He thinks he will be catching the first game and playing first the second (it's a double-header). Hudson has been playing basketball this winter and has really enjoyed it! He's really done well considering it's his first time to play. His last game is Saturday and then he'll start baseball in a few weeks. The boys (including Richard) are addicted to the Call of Duty game for the WII at the moment so it seems that is always on at out house! Evan is great! Growing so fast and so much fun. She smiles all the time and coos. Her coos are the sweetest sounds in the world and her smiles just melt her daddy's heart! She is such a blessed and great addition to our family. I have gone back to work and am surviving that. The first day was terrible but it's okay now. I'll try to get some pictures up here soon!


Ashley said...

Mom said you had a stomach bug over the weekend. I hope you're better now!

Nicole said...

Wow, you seem to have a busy life right now! Yes, post some pictures of your little ones. I love seeing new pics. That is a bummer that you had to go back to work though.