Thursday, August 31, 2006

Spend the night company

A couple of weeks ago, Hudson had his first "nonfamily" spend the night company. Sophie David spent the night with us and they were soooo good. It was so nice to have someone for Hudson to play with. Bedtime was a little tough. (They both ended up in my bed with me and Richard slept on the couch.)

I guess she needs to come over again soon before it's not okay for girls to spend the night with boys :):)


Ashley said...

Oh, they're so cute! I miss Hudson. I never see him anymore. And Chandler too for that matter! Have fun in South Carolina!

Caroline said...

That is so precious!!!!! They are a mess!

heidi said...

when i first saw this, my first impression was..."of course sophie david is family!!!" tuscaloosa ward seems like a big family blur! so many people are related!