Friday, November 28, 2008

Baby Update

Well, I just thought I would give a quick baby update. I went to the dr last Thursday, the 20th. I was 2 cm dilated and the dr offered to induce Tuesday. I really wanted to try and make it past Thanksgiving so I turned that offer down. I know a lot of people are against inducing but I'm all about it! I'm still hanging in there and go back to the dr Monday afternoon so hopefully if I don't have her before then, we'll schedule it one day next week! I think I'm pretty much ready. Can't wait to see her and hold her. We know her first name is going to be Evan but we're not sure about a middle name. Wish us luck!


Ashley said...

I can't wait. Yay!

Caroline said...

YAY YAY! Any day now and I get to hold that sweet baby! I hope everything goes well for you!