I have been tagged by Meghan to tell the blogging world a little bit more about myself. Why is it always harder to write about yourself? Anyway...here goes.
10 years ago...Richard and I had been married for 3 years. Chandler was 2. We were living in a townhouse off of Skyland Blvd and I drove a burgandy Nissan Sentra. I worked as a customer service rep at a finance company.
5 things on my to-do-list today:1) Make it through this day at work
2) Drop off Richard's business disk copy to accountant
3) Buy cups for Hudson's valentine party
4) Buy Richard and Hudson's teacher something for v-day
5) Go to the gym
If I were suddenly a billionaire:I would donate lots of money to really great causes and maybe start some of my own. I know that sounds really cheesy but it's true. Richard could open his store like he wants to so badly. He could open several! I would make sure my family was taken really good care of. But, I've always said that if I had a bunch of money that I wouldn't buy some huge house and outrageous car and I don't think that I would. I would however have a maid so I would never have to clean my own house!
3 of my bad habits:1) Worrying over things I have no control over
2) Yelling at people who can't drive
3) Losing my patience too easily
3 Places I've lived:1) Greenville, SC
2) Spartanburg, SC
3) Tuscaloosa, Al
5 jobs that I've had:1) cashier at Foodworld
2) front-end manager at Foodworld
3) customer service rep/asst manager at finance company
4) loan processor at bank
5) accounting clerk at bank
5 things people don't know about me:1) I am super cheap when it comes to buying clothes.
2) I love Demitri Martin's comedy.
3) I HATE bad cell phone manners! When there are 5 signs posted on the door and all throughout the office to turn off cell phones, pagers, radios...I think they mean it! Sorry venting about a dentist experience last week. I also hate bad customer service and tend to let them know it! Maybe that should be under bad habits :)
4) I wish I could sing.
5) I love the smell of clean laundry and fabric softener. Detergent aisle at Target...the best!
I'll tag Caroline and Richard.