Friday, July 13, 2007

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

Hudson has a boy his age that lives next door. Recently we had a 6 year old move in on the other side of Sam. It's great that Hudson has friends to play with. Here are a couple of pictures of them in action.

This is Hudson as Spiderman and Sam as The Rock? (fantastic 4) The other little boy is one of Sam's friends and he didn't want to play dress up this day.

Sam's mom does hair and has some cool hair gel that she hooked the boys up with. Sam used to have a real mohawk and often has cool hairdos.


Caroline said...

Oh that is too cute! I just love when little boys play dress up! That hair gel is pretty cool too!

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest!! See you guys have dress up days too. -Meghan

heidi said...

where is the photo of the new hairstyle!!!???
your boys are so sweet, i'm glad to see nothing has changed!